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My Organization's First R package



1 / 13

In R, the fundamental unit of shareable code is the package.

—Hadley Wickham

2 / 13

Who are we

3 / 13

Why use internal R packages?

4 / 13

Why use internal R packages?

Share code

4 / 13

Why use internal R packages?

Share code

Standardize your workflow

4 / 13

Why use internal R packages?

Share code

Standardize your workflow

The ecosystem

4 / 13

Why use internal R packages?

Share code

Standardize your workflow

The ecosystem

Save time!!!!

4 / 13

6 / 13

7 / 13

This course is hands on!

Each section has an exercises file: exercises.Rmd

8 / 13


9 / 13

code chunks

10 / 13

Project contents

If you're on local:

├── materials
├── day1/
└── day2/

In each module:

├── 01-setup
├── 01_avalanchr.Rproj
├── R/
├── exercises.Rmd
└── slides.pdf
11 / 13

12 / 13

Your Turn 1

Introduce yourself to your neighbors. We have lots of people to help you out today, but the person sitting next to you might be your best resource!

13 / 13

In R, the fundamental unit of shareable code is the package.

—Hadley Wickham

2 / 13


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